Questions? 031- 5846400

Price: R1650 x 11 Months

Duration: 12 Months

National Certificate: Bookkeeping

NQF L3 (SAQA ID: 58375)

Total Credits: 120

ICB Membership Designation: CJBIcb (SA)

Title with ICB Designation: Certified Junior Bookkeeper


  1. Bookkeeping to Trial Balance (BKTB)
  2. Payroll & Monthly SARS Returns (PMSR)
  3. Computerized Bookkeeping (CPBK)
  4. Business Literacy (BUSL)


What you’ll be able to do

Monthly bookkeeping to trial balance (manual & computerized; disclose profit & financial position; reconcile suppliers, inventory & bank statements; calculate PAYE/UIF/SDL; payroll tax and other deductions; EMP201, EMP501, IRP5, IRP6 and IT3a documents and VAT returns.

What your Title can be

Junior Bookkeeper, Accounts Clerk, Reconciliation Clerk, Payroll Clerk, Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk.



Grade 10 (Std 8) or Equivalent

No prior accounting knowledge needed

You must be at least 16 years of age

Registration Fee

R 3000.00

Monthly Payment

R 1650.00 x 11 Months

Inclusive of Lectures, Textbooks & Assessments

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On (031) 584 6400

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