Questions? 031- 5846400

Price:R3000 x 11 Months

Higher Certificate: Office Administration

NQF L5 (SAQA ID: 23619)

Total Credits: 240

Title with ICB Designation: Office Administrator


  1. Business and Office Administration 2 (BOA2)
  2. Human Resources Management and Labour Relations (HRLR)
  3. Economics (ECON)

What you’ll be able to do

Apply a range of Office Administration Techniques and Economics; Perform Human Resources and Labour Relations Administrative tasks.

What your Title can be

Senior Office Administrator, Secretary, General Office Manager, Human Resources Administrator, Labour Relations Administrator.


Certificate: Office Administration, which consists of the previous 6 subjects

Registration Fee

R 3000.00

Monthly Payment

R 3000 x 11 Months

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On (031) 584 6400

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