Questions? 031- 5846400

Price:R2900 x 11 Months

Duration : 18 Months

Certificate: Office Administration

NQF L5 (SAQA ID: 23618)

Total Credits: 120

Title with ICB Designation: Office Administrator


  1. Business and Office Administration 1 (BOA1)
  2. Bookkeeping to Trial Balance (BKTB)
  3. Business Literacy (BUSL)
  4. Marketing Management and Public Relations (MMPR)
  5. Business Law and Administrative Practice (BLAP)
  6. Cost and Management Accounting (CMGT)

What you’ll be able to do

Business Communication; Bookkeeping up to Trial Balance; Apply your basic knowledge of Cost and Management Accounting; Use your basic skills in Marketing and Public Relations, Business Law and Administrative Practice.

What your Title can be

Junior Office Administrator, Receptionist, Office Assistant, Public Relations Officer, Marketing Administrator.


Grade 12 (Std 10) or Equivalent

Must be at least 16 years of age

No prior accounting knowledge needed

Registration Fee

R 3000.00

Monthly Payment

R 2900.00 x 11 Months

Inclusive of Lectures, Textbooks & Assessments

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On (031) 584 6400

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